That was the first time in Salvador that Infinity Brazil comes out from Santos- SP and goes to another state to do this selection.
It depends on the seazonality and the demand. at the beginning of this year, people from Salvador made the bigest number of interested people to be crew members.
That was the first time that a cruise ship company made the enterviews out of Santos.
The group from Salvador was about a hundred people. this group were getting smaller and today we are about thirty. That happens because of the selection. English and othe languages are a very important subjective to be analyzed at the interview, othe important issue is the experience in hotels or restaurant, or the area that you are applying for. Some people gives up or find other jobs during this period between selection and the wait for the board date.
Salvador is one of the most beautiful city in Brazil and is on of the destinies that the cruise ships passes trhought.