Costa Crew selection, interview
and trainnings
This blog aims to tell the aspirants how is the process to prepare to be a cruise ship crew and everything that happens before the embarcation, during and after desembarcation.

The firt step to be a crew is to fill up the formulary to some cruise agency. Our agency is the Infinity Brazil, that is situated in Santos São Paulo.
They have a site, where you can see what you can do to candidate yourself: .
The agency does two enterviews and they choose your occupation inside the ship. They select all hotel area employes. Them, they prepare you to be interviewed by the Human soucer of the Ship company. Normaly all that process is at Santos, but our interviews were at Salvador, because the great number we were.
Our company is the Costa Corciere. It´s a italyan Company, theyr site is: . After this last interview, they sent us to do some courses. At first we did the Costa trainning, where we learn
about all the company polices. This course has the duration of five days, ten hours a day.

The other course we have is the STCW , without that certification we can't apply to be a crew ship. There we learn about first aid, fire and water survival.

Transport, food and any other expences are all yours.

If you have the orkut profile, here are some links that will help you to get some informations:
Um comentário:
Hey, there, Bárbara!
I loved this place you created!!!
It's a true helper for all first crew members! Even on Costa, MSC (my case) or any company!
Congrats a lot by your special words and tips: this is fundamental for guys like me, that are preparing for their first contract.
I’m going to departure in Venice, on October 25h, as bellboy, on MSC Musica!
I’m going from Fatto Brazil agency, also from Santos (I live near there, in Praia Grande).
Well, I’m your follower now! I’m starting to accompany your experiences from the beginning. I’m sure it will add experiences for me!!!
Good winds for you, good luck!
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