As You know, the Costa Trainning is in Santos-SP. If you are not from Santos, the hotel is paid by the company, but the expences with food and transportation are all yours.
Here some tips for you to expend the less as possible at this trip.
- Air plane transport: Buy the plane tickets some days before your trip. Look for some promotion, some air companies offer very cheap tickets at dawn. Or you can buy your tickets at some tourism agency, they have more power to find the better offers. You can go by bus either, but the prices are almost close and the trip is not so comfortable.
- City transport: To go from the hotel to The Unimonte College, you can go by cab or bus, but the better option is by cab. You can get a four people group, and share a cab. Before you get into the car, ask to the cab driver to fix a price. Take the bus price and multiplicate by four and that would be the fair price for the tip, fix a round number to make it easyer for you and the cab driver.
- Food: At the hotel, the coffebreak is included and it's well served. So you can have an ample breakfest, and you'll not need to eat so soon. By the way, the company
(Costa) offers you two comfort breaks a day during the trainning. One is served by 10:30 am, the other is served by 4 :30 pm, so if you organize yourself and your stomack, you'll not need to buy food. But if you still hungry or you can't stand eat one more piece of bread, you'll find some other options close to the universit Unimonte http://www.unimonte.br/home.asp, where the trainning usually happens. The trainning are very hard and are ten hours a day, so the comfortbreak moments are memorable.
- Leisure: The daily journy are heavy, but still there are some time left to have fun. Inside the hotel, there are some relaxing options as well, like the pool, jakuzzy, gym, depending on the hotel you'll stay, there is a mall where you can go for a walk. Usually, the hotel offer internet, but they are paid and expensive, so if you want some free internet, bring your laptop with you, they normally have wireless internet, or you can go to some lanhouse close to the hotel and use it for small prices. Make sure that if you go out at night, never stay longer tham 11:00 pm, 'coz the front desk hotel employes will notice the company your behavior.
- Clothes: The company gives you two t-shirts for the five days of trainning. So, take care of your t-shirt and be carefull to not dirty. One or two jeans pants are enought and a pair of snickers. You'll not need too many clothes, but at night you will not use the uniform, so bring some clothes for the nights, Santos is not a very cold city, so, only one coat you'll need.
- Teaching Material: The company gives you the teaching material, but you must bring your own notebook and pen.
And last thing: Good luck on your trainning!!!
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