The airfares! The agency, send us it by e-mail. Plus, the contract, wich is very important!
Its good to bring it with you in your hand luggage.
Its good to bring it with you in your hand luggage.
For this we have a list:
Company contract
Environmental certificate
Environmental certificate
Medical certificate
Corporate management system
Visa (If you need)
Visa (If you need)
A change of clothes
A hundred euros at list
Personal things
Personal things
For the normal luggage, don't carry to many things. Just bring the essential. The cabins are very small and you''ll don't need too many clothes. Remember that you will buy things at the trip. There is a community in orkut that you'll answer some doubts:
Um comentário:
por favor faça os posts em português mesmo porque seu inglês é sofrível.. esse "you'll don't" deste post doeu no fundinho do meu coração e eu fico tão aflito vendo seus erros grotescos que acabo não prestando atenção no post em si! valeu
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